Our Aim

Education for All

Education is a process through which an individual and a nation gain self-awareness, and this process is a way of refining the consciousness of the people who make up this nation. It is through education that a nation transmits its cultural, intellectual, and intellectual heritage to future generations and inspires them with an attachment to the goals of life that it has adopted.

Education is mental, physical, and moral training, and its aim is to produce civilized people who are capable of performing their duties as good human beings and as responsible citizens in a state.

Our Vision

Education for the pleasure of Allah

The primary objective of our educational vision is to obtain Allah Almighty’s pleasure by:

Educational mission

Educational Projects
to Achieve the Mission

Jamia Ruqiya for females (جامعہ رقیہ للبنات )
The Best in the Field of Education for Females

Jamia Ruqiya for females (جامعہ رقیہ للبنات ) is the best in the field of education. In addition to 6 years of Darsi Nizami (درسِ نظامی), specialization in Dawa and Al-Irshad (تخصص فی الدعوۃ و الإرشاد), religious studies (الدراسات الدینیۃ ), and different short courses for women are offered at this institute, which is registered with the Federation of Madrassas  (وفاق المدارس ).

Salient Features

A total of 2000 female students are studying in 15 branches of Jamia Ruqiya (جامعہ رقیہ للبنات ).

Three positions in the Federation of Madrassas (وفاق المدارس )

Organized Qur’anic visits(دورۂ قرآن ) to more than 250 places during Ramadan are the unique features of this institution.

Ibrahim Academy
Combining Religion and Modern Science

Under Ibrahim Academy Onsite, Hifz-ul-Quran, Quran Nazra (Quran reading), various courses in adult education and modern sciences have been set up.

Around 500 students are educated and trained in the seven branches of Ibrahim Academy Onsite.

Ibrahim Online Academy

Men and women who are unable to access the onsite branches due to being abroad or due to other engagements are provided with the facility of online education and training for their Reclamation (Islaah) and Tarbiyat. Males and females can now enrol in Dars Nizami (درس نظامی), Darsat-e-Dina (الدراسات الدینیۃ), specialization in Dawa, Al-Irshad ( تخصص فی الدعوۃ و الارشاد), and other short courses from their own homes via the Internet.More than 11,000 students benefit from this

IIES is a private international school system that imparts education from grade VI onwards to GCE O Levels, IGCSE and A Levels aimed at combining Contemporary and Islamic Education. Various types of healthy competitions are designed including Debate, Speeches, Declamation, Writing, Art Work, Poetry, Nasheed, Quran Recitation and much more. More than 11,000  male and female students benefit from this sector


To educate young minds and foster ethical, social and moral values through holistic learning to bloom into responsible global citizens.


Strive relentlessly and vigorously – to realize the vision – by making the best use of qualitative resources and experience, talented and committed faculty.



Region Overview:

Northern Pakistan is renowned for its beautiful landscapes but faces significant development and educational challenges for its over 10 million population.

Lack of Infrastructure:

Many areas lack basic facilities such as schools, dispensaries, roads, and bridges, making access to education and vocational training difficult.

Educational Disparity:

While young boys and girls can access some education, girls and especially older women face severe challenges, with a dangerously low female literacy rate of only 21%.

Impact on Women:

Educating women can significantly impact family development, regional progress, and religious and financial training for children.

Our Work

Educational & Vocational Institutes

Al-Kahf Institutes:

Al-Kahf Educational and Vocational Institutes are being established in the northern areas of Pakistan, such as Chitral, Gilgit, and Baltistan, to protect Muslim families' faith, provide education, training, and social services.

Main Branch

The main branch in Gilgit district, "Shikoot," is being developed.

Current Reach:

Nine branches have been set up across Gilgit, Chitral, and other cities, with over 1,000 students enrolled.

Expansion Plans:

Al-Kahf aims to establish 100 branches, with work completed on an additional 12 branches.



Region Overview:

Northern Pakistan is renowned for its beautiful landscapes but faces significant development and educational challenges for its over 10 million population.

Lack of Infrastructure:

Many areas lack basic facilities such as schools, dispensaries, roads, and bridges, making access to education and vocational training difficult.

Educational Disparity:

While young boys and girls can access some education, girls and especially older women face severe challenges, with a dangerously low female literacy rate of only 21%.

Impact on Women:

Educating women can significantly impact family development, regional progress, and religious and financial training for children.

Our Work

Educational & Vocational Institutes

Al-Kahf Institutes:

Al-Kahf Educational and Vocational Institutes are being established in the northern areas of Pakistan, such as Chitral, Gilgit, and Baltistan, to protect Muslim families' faith, provide education, training, and social services.

Main Branch

The main branch in Gilgit district, "Shikoot," is being developed.

Current Reach:

Nine branches have been set up across Gilgit, Chitral, and other cities, with over 1,000 students enrolled.

Expansion Plans:

Al-Kahf aims to establish 100 branches, with work completed on an additional 12 branches.


Self-improvement and Spiritual Training

Importance of Self-Purification:

Every believer needs self-purification and inner self-improvement, which leads to the development of good deeds and morals.

Qur'anic Reference:

Surah Mominoon (سورۂ مومنون) in the Holy Qur'an highlights the purification of the heart as one of the characteristics associated with the prosperity and success of believers.

Purpose of Prophethood:

One of the goals of the Holy Prophet Muhammad ﷺ was to reform the self and save it from evil attributes. The Qur'an frequently mentions the purification of souls as a purpose of Prophethood.

Hadith Guidance:

Numerous sayings (احادیث) by the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ emphasize guarding against harmful qualities and the importance of self-reformation..

Social Reforms

Chairman's Lectures

Islahi Bayanat:

Hazrat Hafiz Ibrahim Naqshbandi delivers over 15 reformative lectures (اصلاحی بیانات) each month.


Regular Majlis-e-Zikr (مجالسِ ذکر) sessions and training workshops are organized in various cities across the country.

Self-Purification and Spiritual Reforms:

Bayans and short clips focusing on self-purification (تزکیہ نفس) and spiritual reforms (روحانی اصلاح) are published on various social media platforms.

Social Media Presence:

These lectures and clips are shared on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and other social media channels.


Self-improvement and Spiritual Training

Importance of Self-Purification:

Every believer needs self-purification and inner self-improvement, which leads to the development of good deeds and morals.

Qur'anic Reference:

Surah Mominoon (سورۂ مومنون) in the Holy Qur'an highlights the purification of the heart as one of the characteristics associated with the prosperity and success of believers.

Purpose of Prophethood:

One of the goals of the Holy Prophet Muhammad ﷺ was to reform the self and save it from evil attributes. The Qur'an frequently mentions the purification of souls as a purpose of Prophethood.

Hadith Guidance:

Numerous sayings (احادیث) by the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ emphasize guarding against harmful qualities and the importance of self-reformation..

Social Reforms

Chairman's Lectures

Islahi Bayanat:

Hazrat Hafiz Ibrahim Naqshbandi delivers over 15 reformative lectures (اصلاحی بیانات) each month.


Regular Majlis-e-Zikr (مجالسِ ذکر) sessions and training workshops are organized in various cities across the country.

Self-Purification and Spiritual Reforms:

Bayans and short clips focusing on self-purification (تزکیہ نفس) and spiritual reforms (روحانی اصلاح) are published on various social media platforms.

Social Media Presence:

These lectures and clips are shared on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and other social media channels.

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